Let´s talk about Australia

1.- Is Sydney the capital of Australia?
2.- What´s the capital city of Australia?
3.- Do people  speak English in Australia?
4.- What´s the largest city?
5.- Is it a big or a small island?
6.- How many stars has the flag?
7.- Is the Queen Elizabeth the Queen of Australia?
8.- Name activities you can do there
9.- Name 5 australian animals
10.-Where is the Great Barrier Reef?

13 comentarios:

  1. 1-No,it is
    2-is Canberra
    3-yes,i do
    4-is Sydney
    5-is a big
    6-six stars
    7-yes,it is
    8-snorkelling,swimming,surfing,sailing and naterskiing
    9-koala,emu,kangaroo,dingo and tasmanian divle
    10-place to visit

  2. 1 no i dont
    2 camberra
    3 yes i do
    4 is sidney
    5 is a big
    6 six stars
    7 yes i can
    8 snorkeling,swiming,surfing,sailing and naterskiing
    9 koala,emu,kangaroo,dingoand tasmania divle
    10 place to visit

  3. 1.No, it isn't.
    2.The capital of Australia is Camberra.
    3.Yes,but with australian accent.
    4.The largest city is Sidney.
    5.Yes,it does.
    6.It has 6 stars.
    7.Yes she is.
    8.Visit places,sailing,waterskiing,swimming,surfing,snorkelling and takes photos.
    9.Koala,platypus,dingo,koala,tasmania devil.
    10.It is in the northeast of Australia.

  4. 1.-No it isn't.
    2.-Is Camberra.
    3.-Yes i do.
    4.-Is Sidney.
    5.-Is a big.
    6.-Six stars.
    7.-Yes she is.
    8.-Talkes photos,surfing,snorkelling,swimming,sailing and waterskiing.
    9.-Tasmanian devil,platypus,emu and kangaroo.
    10.-It in the northeast of Australia.

  5. 1 No it isn´t
    2 Camberra
    3 Yes with australian accent
    4 Sydney
    5 It´s big island
    6 Have six
    7 Yes she is
    8 surfing,snorkelling,waterskiing,sailing,swimming
    9 wombat,platypus,tasmanian devil,kangaroo,emu,dingo,koala
    10 Its in the northeast of australia

  6. 1-No it isn't
    2-The capital of Australia is Camberra
    3-Yes i do
    4-It's Sidney
    5-Is a big
    6-The stars un the flor is six
    7-Yes it is
    10-Its un the norteast of Australia

  7. Perdon por poner un en la última pregunta enbede poner in������

  8. Hello teacher, I´m Claudia.
    The answers:

    1.No it isn´t.
    2.The capital of Australia is Canberra.
    3.Yes,with ana Australian accent.
    4.The capital of Australia is Sydney.
    5.Australia is a big island.
    6.There are six stars in the Australia´s flag.
    7.Yes, she is.
    8.Sailing,surfing,snorkelling,watersiing and swimming.
    10.It´s in the northeast of Australia.

    Bye teacher and good weekend!

  9. Perdón teacher,no quería poner en mi nombre anónimo,pero ya da igual.

  10. 1:no it is
    2:the capital of australia is canbera
    3:yes it do
    4:it synday
    5:is big
    6:six stars
    7:yes,she is
    8:surfin,snorkellin,sailing,watersiing and swimming
    10:it is the noryheast of australia

  11. 1:no it is
    2:the capital of australia is canbera
    3:yes it do
    4:it synday
    5:is big
    6:six stars
    7:yes,she is
    8:surfin,snorkellin,sailing,watersiing and swimming
    10:it is the noryheast of australia

  12. 1:no it is
    2:the capital of australia is canbera
    3:yes it do
    4:it synday
    5:is big
    6:six stars
    7:yes,she is
    8:surfin,snorkellin,sailing,watersiing and swimming
    10:it is the noryheast of australia

  13. 1.No, it isn't.
    2.The capital of Australia is Camberra.
    3.Yes,but with australian accent.
    4.The largest city is Sidney.
    5.Yes,it does.
    6.It has 6 stars.
    7.Yes she is.
    8.Visit places,sailing,waterskiing,swimming,surfing,snorkelling and takes photos.
    9.Koala,platypus,dingo,koala,tasmania devil.
    10.It is in the northeast of Australia.
